The Best Kettlebell Exercises For Lower Back Pain


For adults with ‘age-related’ joint pain, the kettlebell is one the best HEALTHCARE tools available. The kettlebell is one of the best ways to improve movement and build strength to limit impact on your joints. This leads to less joint pain and arthritis as you get older. Allowing you to keep active and maintain your lifestyle/ Six of the best kettlebell exercises for lower back pain.

Kettlebell Dead Bug

One of the easiest ways to use the kettlebell is to add resistance to movements that we know are good for lower back pain. The dead bug is a great core strengthening exercises that teaches you to maintain a good spinal position while performing a dynamic movement. Adding the kettlebell forces the your core to contract for even more lower back stability.

The Deadbug Exercise For Beginners


Kettlebell Glute Bridge

Building strong glutes and hamstrings is a cornerstone of solving lower back pain. The Glute Bridge is an exercises that is both SAFE and EFFECTIVE and should be part of your plan. Adding a kettlebell is an easy way to add resistance to this movement to build even more strength.

Learn How To Perform The Glute Bridge


Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift

The hip hinge is an important movement for those with lower back back as it teaches you how to maintain a neutral spine while bending forward. The Romanian Deadlift is a simple weighted hip hinge movement that also targets your glutes and hamstrings. While traditional performed with a barbell, the kettlebell variation is a much safer place to begin for beginners or those with back pain.

Learn How To Perform The Perfect Hip Hinge


Kettlebell Deadlift

The Deadlift is a full body strengthening exercise that, when done correctly, helps limit impact one your spine. This movement helps ingrain important movement patterns, targets your glutes and hamstring, and builds core strength for less lower back pain. The Kettlebell Deadlift is a safe and effective variation that’s perfect for those with lower back pain.

Learn How To Perform The Perfect Deadlift


Suitcase Carry

Loaded Carries are the best core exercise for lower back pain. This functional core exercise builds core strength while limiting impact one you spine. It also targets deeper core stabilizers to help limit impact on your spine. Essentially, this movement is picking up something heavy an walking around with it.

Learn More About Loaded Carries For Lower Back Pain


Goblet Squat

The squat is another important movement pattern that helps to limit impact on your spine as you get older. This movement also targets your glutes and hamstrings. Holding a kettlebell will force your core to engage to even more core strengthening and less impact on your spine.

Learn How To Do Squats


As you can see, the kettlebell is an amazing tool to help adults improve movement and build strength for less lower back pain as they get older. These six are some of the best kettlebell exercises for lower back pain. Add them to your routine and start feeling the difference today.

Learn More About The Best Kettlebell Exercises For Lower Back Pain At The Video Below


For the last 12 years I’ve been helping adults 40+ build the strength and confidence to live active, healthy, and happy lives. To help you get started, I’ve put together a free step-by-step strength program to help adults build a solid movement and strength foundation. Check it out down below!

Limited By Back Pain? Get Started With Our Free Program

Solving Pain With Strength: An Approachable, Step-by-Step Strength Program For Adults Limited By Joint Pain


Carl Baird

Helping adults 40+ solve chronic joint pain keep active, and maintain their lifestyle as they get older.

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