Solving Pain With Strength

w/ Dr. Carl Baird

The Solution To Joint Pain And Arthritis Won’t Be Found In A Doctor’s Office

The traditional approach to treating pain is NOT working. Too many people are living with pain and being told it’s ‘part of getting older’. Pills, injections, and endless doctor visits provide temporary relief but fail to solve the problem.

We don’t need more therapies - we need a new approach. Our educational, strength based approach to joint pain provides you the tools to keep out of pain, get back to your favorite activities, and feel confident in your body’s ability to do what you love - regardless of age.

About the Founder

Dr. Carl Baird DC, MS

Dr. Baird is a chiropractor and strength coach. For the last 12 years he’s been helping adults 40+ solve joint pain, keep active, and maintain their lifestyle as they get older.

Learn More About Dr. Baird>

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